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Dentist in Wimbledon

Wimbledon Dental Care
24 Coombe Lane, Raynes Park, SW20 8ND


Feedback & Complaints

Wimbledon Dental Care
24 Coombe Lane
Raynes Park, SW20 8ND
Tel : 020 8946 6546
Email Us : Click Here
Map : Click Here
Opening Hours
Monday 09:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday 09:30 - 18:00
Friday 09:30 - 15:00
Saturday 09:30 - 14:00

We are happy to consider any suggestions you may have that would improve the service we provide.

Comments and compliments are always welcome. We also operate a Practice Complaints Procedure for dealing with complaints which adheres to National Criteria. Our Receptionist will give you further information should you need it in the practice.

Our aim is to give you the highest possible standard of service and we try to deal with any issues that you may have.

Please email us at or use the online form below. Fields in bold are required.

I would recommend this practice to friends or family.
I would not recommend this practice.
I do not wish to express an opinion.
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