In this day and age people suffer with a lot of dental issues. This is usually due to our lifestyle choices as well as poor dental hygiene. The two factors combined are a recipe for having bad teeth! Having holes in your teeth can be cause for concern as they are painful and can lead to one problem after another. If you are looking to have dental work then look no further than Wimbledon Dental Care in Wimbledon where we have trained individuals who work in a professional manner and will be able to cater for your needs and requirements in a friendly, approachable way.

White fillings Wimbledon are also known as dental composites and are designed to fill in cavities. They are essentially tooth coloured resins and these are made up of a mixture of plastics and filling which bond with the surface of the tooth and fill the hole.
What causes people to get white fillings?
White fillings Wimbledon are a new phenomenon in comparison to the conventional silver/grey fillings that people used to get in the past. People prefer white fillings Wimbledon due to the fact that they merge with the teeth and look seamless and it is not obvious that they have a filling in their tooth. Also the material used is durable and has exceptional performance abilities and therefore is recommended by our dentists.
How long do white fillings last?
White fillings last approximately seven to ten years. This is less than silver fillings however they are still durable and are strong and a successful treatment for cavities.
What is the difference between white and silver fillings?
Whilst silver fillings may not look as attractive and aesthetically pleasing as white fillings they are considered to be strong and durable. Silver fillings are known as amalgam fillings and can withstand a lot of wear and tear and can last between 10 and 15 years.
What is the process of having fillings?
Your dentist will tell you whether or not you need fillings by doing a thorough examination of your teeth. It is therefore important that you visit the dentist regularly and keep on top of your oral hygiene to avoid needing fillings at all. If however you do require fillings then your dentist will go through the options available to you and weigh up the pros and cons of each time and then enable you to make an informed decision on which fillings you wish to go for.
Once you have had the filling the dentist will tell you to take care for the first week or so whilst the filling has time to settle and become one with the tooth. It is important to follow the instructions and guidelines that the dentist offers you as it will ensure the longevity of your fillings and will ensure that there are no complications. Also ensure that you maintain oral hygiene and continue to keep up with your appointments so that the dentist can keep an eye on the fillings for you.