As a full dental service clinic, every treatment that we deliver at Wimbledon Dental Care is preceded by an oral examination. Our primary objective is to maintain your teeth so that they perform their function well, which is masticating food. We are a team of qualified and experienced clinicians with complementary skills to ensure that you receive high-quality dental care. Delivering cosmetic dentistry Wimbledon comes with a responsibility to guide and advise patients on the treatments that suit their particular needs. We will work to ensure that your teeth and gums are maintained in a healthy condition and that they are aesthetically appealing to you.

Teeth whitening
Dentistry and technology have delivered a vast array of improvements which allows us to provide a variety of cosmetic dentistry Wimbledon treatments. We do, however, practise extreme care with our patients, and even something as simple as teeth whitening is subject to an examination first. We will first need to identify the cause of your dental discolouration or staining as these can be indications of underlying medical conditions. An examination can identify several conditions, such as liver disease, an eating disorder, rickets and many more. Smoking and a variety of foods and drinks can also cause teeth to stain. If we identify anything serious, we will recommend contacting your general practitioner. When we deliver a dental whitening procedure, we can create gum shields that are designed specifically for you as well as a cleaning solution that will not adversely affect your teeth and gums. Our technique involves whitening your teeth gradually so that you don’t suddenly find that you have blindingly white artificial-looking teeth.
Misaligned teeth corrected quickly and effectively
Having misaligned teeth can affect your confidence and make you self-conscious when you want to smile. For many years, the only effective way of correcting misaligned teeth was by using a brace made of metal, wire and bands. Technology has given us not only a new appliance but also new hardware and software that have made the treatment more comfortable, efficient and effective. We have the facility to take thousands of images a second, and by using the software, we can show you a virtual image of the expected result of your dental treatment. In addition, the actual appliance that you wear over your teeth will look like a gum shield and be made from a clear dental material that is almost invisible. The procedure concentrates on just your front teeth and can, therefore, produce results within six months. More and more patients are enjoying the benefits of this modern dental treatment, which is also giving them the confidence to enjoy smiling.
More cosmetic options
We are proud that we can offer a variety of options if you suffer from stained, chipped or small gaps between your teeth which you find unsightly. Our experience and skill in using porcelain veneers can also offer a reasonably quick cosmetic dentistry Wimbledon solution. We will cut and shape the porcelain veneer so that it fits well over your teeth. Achieving the correct colour match for your natural teeth takes years of experience and skill. Once fitted, the veneers can last for ten years or more giving you a beautiful, natural-looking smile.
A smile that you can be proud to display
Your mental health will benefit enormously from a broad self-assured smile. You can be confident that we will always advise you based on what our thorough examination reveals and that we always have your best interests at heart. The cosmetic dentistry that we deliver is based on the result of a thorough examination and a carefully considered approach.