Teeth Whitening

Zoom teeth whitening

Coming from the US, Zoom teeth whitening is the latest method to whiten your teeth. Using the power of lasers, Zoom teeth whitening can lighten your teeth by eight to 10 shades, with less sensitivity than other teeth bleaching methods. And all this can be achieved in just one 60-minute session.

teeth-whitening-in-wimbledonThe Zoom whitening system is a scientifically advanced tooth whitening procedure which is only administered by qualified dentists, such as Wimbledon Dental Care in Wimbledon. It is safe, effective and very fast. In less than an hour your teeth will become dramatically whiter. It will remove discolouration caused by staining substances such as coffee, tobacco and red wine.

A British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) survey revealed that “women are more inclined to believe a nice smile indicates a warm personality, whilst men consider it begets more success in life”. Either way, a whiter smile achieved through Zoom teeth whitening has the power to create a great first impression, which can unlock many possibilities in both the social and professional areas of your life. After a Zoom teeth whitening session, you’ll leave a more attractive and confident you.

The procedure

The procedure is simple. It begins with a short preparation to cover your lips and gums, leaving only your teeth exposed. The dentist then applies the Zoom whitening gel, which was designed to be used with a specially designed laser. The Zoom light and gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up stains and discoloration.

Before you go home you will receive a special Zoom whitening touch up kit to take home. The kit includes trays that are custom-made and whitening gel. You dentist will explain how to use the kit to keep your teeth white longer.

How long does it last?

On average, Zoom teeth whitening will last for around one year. By following some simple post whitening care instructions, your teeth will always be lighter than they were before. To keep your teeth looking their best, dentists such as Wimbledon Dental Care in Wimbledon, would recommend flossing, brushing twice daily and occasional refreshing with the Zoom night time gel and custom-made trays.


Spring is in the air, which means weddings, family gatherings and other social occasions are on the increase. If you’re one of the many people who feels self-conscious at such events because of your smile, our friendly team at Wimbledon Dental Care can help.

teeth-whiteningWhen asked what they would change about themselves if they could, the majority of people say their teeth. Even with a great dental health regime, our teeth become stained over time, through drinks such as coffee, tea, cola or red wine and through habits such as smoking, as well as from the side effects of certain medications, and even part of the natural ageing process.

Teeth whitening treatment is one of the quickest and easiest cosmetic dental treatments available, is suitable for most patients, and is the perfect way to give your smile that extra boost before a special occasion.

There is a plethora of products available that claim to give you whiter teeth, but the key thing to remember is that you should only have tooth whitening treatment under the supervision of a qualified dentist. Hygienists can also provide teeth whitening, but only on a dentist’s prescription.

While the treatment is suitable for the vast majority of adults, there may be certain medical reasons why tooth whitening is not suitable for you. For example, if you have tooth decay or gum disease, you need to have this treated first. Our dentists can help you with this before you have your teeth whitened. Kits bought online or over-the-counter will be at best ineffective and at worst damaging to your teeth.

We use the tried and tested Zoom teeth whitening system. This system is safe and at Wimbledon Dental Care our patients have enjoyed a 100% success rate. Most of our patients opt for a single intensive whitening session in the practice, followed up by some top-up treatment using bespoke tooth trays and whitening gel at home. It is also possible to carry out the treatment yourself at home, using the trays and gel, which your dentist will demonstrate for you to ensure the best results.

Visit our teeth whitening page for full information on Zoom teeth whitening at Wimbledon Dental Care.

Getting Whiter Teeth

Are you looking for a fast, effective way to boost your smile and with it your self-confidence? Our smile is the first thing many people notice about us, and having a smile to be proud of is one of the best ways to increase not only your self-esteem but also to improve your social and business interactions.

teeth whitening treatmentTeeth whitening is one of the quickest and most popular cosmetic dental treatments in the UK. It’s a great way to give your smile that extra sparkle and because treatment time is short it’s perfect before a special occasion such as a family gathering or an important business meeting.

If you’re looking to have teeth whitening treatment you should only do so under the care of an experienced dentist. Kits that you buy online may appear too good to be true, and indeed they probably are. These kits can actually do more harm than good to your teeth. Teeth whitening treatment performed by dentists is tried, tested and safe.

At Wimbledon Dental Care we offer two options for tooth whitening – home whitening or in-practice whitening. We use the leading teeth whitening brand Zoom and have enjoyed a 100% success rate with this system. We often find it’s best to combine in-practice and home whitening for the best results.

Whichever option you choose, you’ll need to come into the practice for a consultation and to be measured for teeth whitening trays. You’ll be called back for your in-practice power whitening appointment in as little as three days. Once we’ve checked your trays fit we’ll prepare your teeth and all you need to do is sit back and relax for an hour while the treatment is carried out. You’ll be given some whitening gel to put into your trays to top up your treatment at home.

If you opt for exclusively home whitening, we’ll check your trays fit and send you home with the trays and some whitening gel. You just need to place it in the trays and wear them overnight for the time your dentist prescribes – usually two weeks.

Teeth whitening is fast, effective and safe. It really is the perfect way to boost your smile for a special occasion.

Zoom Teeth Whitening: An Easy Way to Get a Whiter Smile

Do your teeth look discoloured or stained? A liking for tea, coffee and red wine as well as highly coloured foods can all take its toll on your teeth. Nowadays there is an easy way to get a much whiter smile in a very short space of time. Wimbledon Dental Care uses Zoom whitening to gently and safely lift the overall colour of your teeth in as little as an hour. It’s a great way to get a whiter smile, perhaps in time for some special event or just before you go on holiday. You can also choose to whiten at home with our custom-made whitening trays.

Why Whiten Professionally?

You might wonder why you should have professional teeth whitening in Wimbledon, especially as there are so many over-the-counter kits that promise miraculous results. It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that tooth whitening is a dental treatment which is why it is regulated to ensure only dentists are allowed to use professional strength whitening gels.

A Dental Checkup Is Essential before Any Form of Whitening

Before you whiten, our dentist in Wimbledon, Dr Kultej Sihra, will carefully examine your teeth and gums. This is essential to make sure they are healthy enough to be safely whitened. At the same time Dr Sihra can assess the reason for your tooth staining and will be able to decide if whitening is the right choice. Professional tooth whitening is far safer and more effective than any kit you can buy over-the-counter or online and each treatment is fully customised to reduce any tooth sensitivity and to ensure you are as comfortable as possible.

Deciding Which Form of Tooth Whitening to Have

If you decide to go ahead then you do have the choice of power whitening or a home whitening kit. However we find that most of our patients prefer to whiten in our surgery before topping up the results for a few days afterwards. During this treatment you will first have impressions taken of your mouth which are used to make custom-made whitening trays that will fit closely over your teeth. Your next step is to visit our surgery for your Zoom power whitening appointment which will take approximately one hour. Once it is over we will show you how to use your new whitening trays and you simply need to wear them for approximately an hour each day for the three days following your Zoom whitening.

What Happens If Some Teeth Can’t Be Whitened?

Not all teeth will respond to tooth whitening which is another reason why a dental checkup beforehand is so important. This might be the case if the tooth is internally stained. If Dr Sihra thinks certain teeth won’t respond well to tooth whitening then he’ll recommend another way of masking their colour. One of the easiest and most permanent ways to do this is through using dental veneers in Wimbledon that completely cover up the front surface of the tooth while other methods include bonding teeth or even covering them up completely with full crowns. It’s best to whiten first and then have any veneers or other restorations matched to your newly bleached teeth. This will give far better results than trying to cover up these teeth with new veneers and to whiten your teeth to match.

Are you ready for a whiter smile? Call us today on 020 8946 6546 to book your appointment with Dr Kultej Sihra in Wimbledon.