How can we help sensitive teeth?

Here at Wimbledon Dental Care, we understand that having tooth sensitivity can be very uncomfortable while it also restricts certain foods from being enjoyable. This is why, as dentists, we make sure to address sensitivity and treat it the best way we can so that you can continue to enjoy your favourite foods and drinks again!


What are the causes?

Before we talk about the ways we can help with sensitive teeth Wimbledon, it is important to know the causes as this can help you prevent it from happening in the first place. However, if it does, we are always there to help!

Brushing your teeth too hard

You may be wondering why your teeth are so sensitive if you have a good oral hygiene routine and clean teeth. Unfortunately, brushing your teeth too hard can cause the enamel to get worn out. Enamel is the outer covering that protects your tooth so, if that gets thinner, your tooth will be more exposed and thus sensitive to high and low temperatures.

Grinding your teeth

Some of our patients have come in struggling with grinding their teeth at night and this too can erode the enamel and once again increase the sensitivity. Teeth grinding can also weaken the teeth, so it is important to contact us if you think this is happening to you.

Certain food and drinks

There are certain foods and drinks that can cause enamel erosion if they are consumed regularly. Food and drink that have a high sugar content are the most destructive to your enamel. This happens due to the bacteria in your mouth feeding on the sugar and producing acidic waste products that erode the teeth.

Chipped or damaged teeth

If you happen to have a damaged tooth, due to severe decay or breakage, this can expose the nerve endings inside the tooth and cause them to be overstimulated. It can also cause severe pain and irritation, putting your tooth at high risk of infection. So, it is recommended that you contact our practice if you are experiencing this.

What we can do

One of the ways we can treat your sensitivity is by applying fluoride to the sensitive areas. This can help reduce pain and strengthen your enamel. If your sensitivity is severe and is due to problems inside the tooth, we can give you a root canal treatment that cleans out the pulp of the tooth, getting rid of any bacteria. If the inside of your tooth is exposed, we can usually treat this by applying a bonding resin that protects the area, and this will help to reduce the sensitivity.

Having sensitive teeth Wimbledon can be painful when it comes to brushing and eating or drinking and our team of dentists understands this. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, do not hesitate to book an appointment with us, here at Wimbledon Dental Care. We will create a treatment plan that works for you while doing all we can to treat your sensitive teeth Wimbledon.